January 5, 2017

The Story Behind “Melting Giants “

I use Singh-Ray Neutral Density filters to create my long exposure images and occasionally write blog articles for them. 

They have just published my article that explains how I created the “Melting Giants” series. 

You can read the article here:

The Story Behind “Melting Giants”

18 thoughts on “The Story Behind “Melting Giants “

  1. Hi Cole
    This iceberg series was fantastic love the deep black and white of the photographs. I very much enjoy your writing about your experience of place and thoughts. Have a great New Year.

  2. Hi Cole…beautiful Cole…like how you just happened on to this…had the vision…and found a way to make the best of it through your perseverance…technical skill…and help from a friend. Showing there can be many dimensions to creating a great image. As always, thanks for sharing too.

  3. Hi again from Australia, Cole.
    I’ve particularly enjoyed the series on melting giants.
    Brilliant work.

    It was a very interesting article on how you went about it. Thanks for sharing it.

    (I wish we had icebergs here in OZ. currently sweltering in a massive east coast heatwave).


  4. Hi Cole. I met you in Twillingate during your visit to Newfoundland, and was intrigued by your long shutter technique with exposures of 8 or more minutes. I’m glad I found your blog of the adventure detailing more information than I gathered from our brief chat. Judging by the fabulous iceberg photos, I would suggest, it was a very successful photo adventure.

    All the best

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