January 31, 2013

Death Valley – Week 2

Isn’t the iPhone incredible?  Beautiful 180 degree panoramas created in the field in seconds!

Today I visited the Armagosa sand dunes, near Beatty, NV.  I was the only one there and the dunes were pretty clean.

Here’s a short video of my visit.

And a 45 second time-lapse video.





4 thoughts on “Death Valley – Week 2

  1. Yeah Cole- crazy how far camera tech has come in the last decade: my iphone (4) is better then my first y2k 800 dollar digital camera.
    I can imagine how inspired you must be out there now in the dunes- kudos to you on that, and enjoy the good living!

  2. Heard a pro photographer recently claining that shortly everyone would be using only “iphones”.

    Not to hard to imagine, but…

    Look forward to seeing your “real” images!

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